Number of comments: 2
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From: Glenna
Date: 12/26/2010 |
I have to say that, not being a slash fan, this story evokes something that rings as plausible. As always, it's well written. As one who likes the boys to remain as I saw them in the show (waiting for me to grow up, of course) I have read this story more than once, and always find it just human enough to have happened. Thanks for all of your stories, and for this one.
From: Kiwi Bird
Date: 09/15/2010 |
Huh. :) This was pretty clever, and remarkably casual. It feels like it wants a sequel (or maybe that's just me). I loved the setup: Illya and Napoleon being forced to wait for transport. It was more creative than the standard post-mission get-together. And I loved Illya's improvised sauna. *laugh* Of course Napoleon would join in after all the work had been done! And the thorn. And Illya carefully prodding to see if he can snag some action. And Napoleon's wary interest, uncertain what the whole thing means about him, about them. Very nice. Thanks for writing and sharing.
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