Comments on The Long Way Home Affair

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From: YumYumPM
Date: 05/07/2013
Poor Illya. You put him through a lot in this story. He made it all the way back to New York only to meet misfortune. Fortunately, a Russian doctor was close at hand. ; ) Great story.
From: Carabele
Date: 10/26/2011
A very good tale indeed!

I am in the main a Napoleon fan, so oftentimes "Illya-centric" stories don't retain my interest. But this one was so quick-witted and well put-together that it held my interest right through to the very end!
From: Glenna Meredith
Date: 10/26/2011
Nicely done. There's always room for some Illya angst, h/c, and Russian. The story makes a nice set up for what will surely come later. thanks for posting this.
From: charlie kirby
Date: 10/26/2011
Wow, what a great little tale. No, I did not find your OC too Mary Sue as you feared. She has enough humility and the guys aren't instantly madly in love with her and ready to come to blows for her attention.

You handled the torture just right, enough to let us know what what happened, but not dwelling upon the gory details. That is a fast turn off for me.

I do hope that we will see more in the vein. I would like to get to know Anna a bit better!

Rock on!

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