Welcome to MFUArchive! This is an automated archive and directory of fan fiction, artwork, and other
material based on the television show The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The archive can accept both uploaded
text files and links to material of any format located elsewhere on the web.
New: MFU Archive Goes Mobile
Stories stored in this archive are now available in Mobipocket format, for use with eReaders. This format will work with the Amazon Kindle,
with iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.), and some other readers. For those using readers not compatible with Mobipocket, free sofware
such as Calibre can convert to your reader's preferred format.
Only stories actually stored in the archive are provided in mobile format, not those which are linked offsite. To obtain the Mobipocket version
of a story, look up the story in the archive index. Beside the title there will be a format listing,
showing the formats in which the story is available. Click on "Mobi" to download the file, which you can then store on your eReader.
Authors: If you upload a story in a text-based format (i.e., as a plain-text or HTML file), the archivist will create a Mobipocket file
and add it to the archive, usually within a couple of days. Please note that if you choose to upload your story as a PDF file, a Mobi file
will not automatically be created, as conversion from PDF to Mobi is unreliable. If you wish to have a Mobi file for your PDF story,
you may contact the archivist and send a text-based version of the story (word-processor files are fine) for the conversion.

Are you a fan-fiction author? If you have written stories based on
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and are looking for a home for them on the web, then please
consider uploading them to MFUArchive. This archive accepts gen, het, and slash stories of all
ratings. (Please see the Rules for Inclusion in the Archive
for more details about archive content.) When you submit a story through the
Add Archive Entry page, it will be automatically added to the archive
and will show up immediately in the indices and search results.
Do you have stories or other material already on the web? If you do, you can archive
links to your material here at MFUArchive. Linked material will show up in the indices and search results,
just like files that are hosted here on the archive; the only difference is that the links will go to locations
outside the archive. While the archive can only host text files onsite, archived links can be to artwork,
comics, videos, or other material.
Are you a fan-fiction reader? You can browse the site using the
Archive Index, which provides comprehensive listings of all
material in the archive. These indices are automatically updated when new entries are made, so they are
always current. If you are searching for something more specific, please visit the
Search Archive page, where you can enter a large range of search
Please help to build the archive. While only authors can upload files to be hosted
on this site, anyone can archive a link to material that is already online elsewhere. If you have a
favorite story or other MFU-based material that isn't yet listed here, please consider using the
Add Archive Entry page to add a link to it. This will help MFUArchive
serve as a central directory to MFU fan creations anywhere on the web.
If you have questions, problems, or suggestions about the archive, please use the
Contact Archivist page to send them to the site owner.
Navigating this archive is simple. The links at left will give you access to the following
- Home: This top page.
- Index: A page of links
to archive entries based on submission date, author, or title. Use this page if you want to see
the latest additions to the archive, or if you're just browsing around.
- Search: The interface to the archive's
search engine, which allows feature-based searches. Use this if you're looking for specific types
of story, or if you wish to exclude stories with certain features.
- Random Entry: Simply brings up a
randomly-selected entry in the archive, which may be an archived story or a link to material
elsewhere on the web.
- Add Entry: This is where you go to
add an entry to the archive. Entries may be either uploaded stories or links to stories or other
material elsewhere on the web.
- Contact: A page which allows you to
send email to the archive manager. Please use this if you have problems using the archive or
questions about it.